Connect to FTP server through Windows Explorer

Im one of those guys who say we hate Windows. Its fair enough since we are developers and developing web and other applications on Windows does suck big time. But most of the time our hatred or abuse of Windows comes from ignorance. I left windows years back and started using Linux for development but now in my new job I am having to use windows to develop with the RhoMobile studio. And everytime I use Windows I find out some cool feature that I did not know it existed. Maybe this is an obvious feature for all you Windows users out there but I never knew you could connect to an FTP server right from Windows Explorer. I do this all the time from Nautilus in Ubuntu and I always wished things would be as simple as that in Windows. But I knew windows had a ftp client in it and I thought it can be accessed only via the command line.

Today I got frustrated with Filezilla and thought of using ftp.exe and I googled for some documentation when I found out that I could use Windows Explorer directly. All I had to do was just enter the server’s URL in the address bar and that’s it! So I typed ‘’ and it opened up a window to ask for my password and I could now browse the server through Explorer.

Neat is it not? So I learned a good lesson to not to blindly hate an OS or anything without properly using it. But at the end of the day Windows does suck for development unless you’re doing something with .NET 😀 I use Powershell + Console2 and Sublime Text to make life slightly better.